The Power Bronzer 100 tanning lamps were engineered with one goal in
mind: Maximum power in a form factor designed for standard home and salon tanning
beds using 100 watt lamps in a tanning bed with at least 24 lamps. This is NOT for
the timid! Like the tanning lamps you find in $10,000-$20,000, the Power Bronzer
uses RUVA technology. This means we literally put a reflector inside each tanning
lamp, for up to 50% higher output. 
Left: Typical lamps emit light in all directions. Some is reflected by aluminum
reflectors. 30% to 50% is simply lost forever. Right: SunMaster Power Bronzer tanning
lamps forces all the light to exit the front of the lamp. The blue arrows indicate the
extra UV that will reflect back to you. 95% of the light reaches the tanner.
How does this make the tanning lamp so powerful? In your tanning bed, half of the
light that the tanning lamp creates goes away from you (tanning lamps generate light in
all directions, after all). The problem is that the reflectors in your tanning bed,
any tanning bed, only reflect a small portion of that light back. The rest bounces
off the lamp again, and is simply lost due to "wave cancellation". By
putting a reflector INSIDE the tanning lamp, we can force almost all the light to go out
the front of the lamp, towards you. The result is a giant step up in power.
This is also why you can only use RUVA lamps in beds with 24 or more lamps, since this
would cause striping in a 16 lamp tanning bed with wider lamp spacing. Since you
spent the money to get a truly professional tanning bed, why not get a truly professional
tanning lamp that can take advantage of it? The Power Bronzer 100 tanning
lamps WILL take your tanning bed to the next level of performance, we guarantee it.
This Power Bronzer tanning lamp uses our Custom Shop 6.5% UVB phosphor, but when added
to the RUVA reflector system, you get an effective UVB of about 9%, plus 50% more UVA
bronzing as well. Yes, it is intense, but unlike cheaper "hot rodded"
lamp, it has the bronzing power of extra UVA to actually get and keep you dark brown,
instead of a red or orange looking tan that fades fast. Get a more natural looking
tan that lasts longer than any regular tanning lamp can deliver.