Designed in America by SunMaster for use in their Custom Shop beds, this kit will quickly upgrade your existing tanning bed to a more SunMaster like experience. This kit uses a blend of our Custom Bronzer, Face and Body lamps to offer a more even tan. All lamps are matched for perfectly balanced output. Designed to last 5 years in most home systems.
The pink section of the lamps goes over your face and sides for 20% higher UVB, which benefits persons who have difficulty tanning their face and sides. This is one of our most popular kits.
This kit will fit the following tanning beds:
SunQuest Wolff, SunMaster, Virtual Sun, Private Sun, SunVision Wolff, SunStar, ProSun, Alpha Sun, ESB, Solar Storm, Soleil, and any other tanning bed using "F71 100 watt" lamps. This includes 98% of all home beds.
 24 lamp kit shown, 28 lamp similar
This kit contains a total of 28 lamps, including:
10 SunMaster Custom Bronzer
10 SunMaster Custom Face
8 SunMaster Custom Body
